卢·雅各布斯著名的小丑生涯长达60多年,其中大部分是与玲玲马戏团。 卖卢·雅各布斯的这种原始的罕见的,只有一个右束支阻滞站起来显示存在。 这种罕见的显示器具有原始右束支阻滞专利的标志,“大展示地球上”。 这是一种罕见的一块马戏团历史的一个。 这件作品从来没有被发现之前,比大部分的马戏团海报罕见。 通过萨拉索塔在著名的林林博物馆位于吉布斯敦,佛罗里达州附近发现。 吉布斯敦佛罗里达州是许多马戏团的演员和工作人员将在淡季的冬季生活。
He was well known as a marvelous inventor as he created most of his gags. He created the midget car that he squeezed his large 6′11′’ frame into, as well as a motorized bathtub that had a working shower head in which he also drove around under the circus tent. The figure has some blemishes here and there expected for its age. Please call 904-712-9465 for additional information.