



1904 Dumbbell Lifter by Mills Novelty Company, Chicago, IL. This is a rare machine that’s actually two machines in one. Features dumbbell bar and gripper handles mechanisms. Insert one penny and choose one strongman approach (bar or handles). Per the Mills Novelty Company catalog, “The dumbbell bar is used for lifting and develops the shoulder muscles, while the two handles below are for twisting to test the strength of arm and wrist muscles.  This machine is built to withstand hard usage. Cabinet is made of oak.” Mills Dumbbell Lifter has the original cabinet beautifully hand painted and lettering on three sides. Comes with the original top crown 1 cent penny marquee not shown in this photo. Machine is 96 in tall x 25 in dept x 30 inches wide.  Very few of these dumbbell strength strongman machines are known. $24,500

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