Antique Oak Case Wood Coin Cigar Vending EST. 1883 Trade Stimulator


Product Description

This oak cigar country store vendor was mfg. by Herman Warner & Co. Cigar Co. Cigar Merchant and Mfg. No. 161 Clark Street. The cigar company was established in 1883 in Chicago. This is a rare country store cigar vendor trade stimulator. Complete with match dispenser and cigar cutter. This rare oak case has 6 coin separate slots – 1 cent, 5 cent, 10 cent, 25 cent, 50 cent and silver dollar coin slots. Has 6 brass pull slide tabs and a divided drawer for cigars. Has the original decorative brass cigar cutter and match dispenser on top of golden oak case. Original locks with key and a spring activated bell. The oak wood case of machine is in excellent condition. This was in an old country store.